Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dredging Myths and Facts

Dredging Fact

"Due to budget and timeframe constraints, and the technical challenges posed by the large spatial coverage and the extended period for simulation, it was necessary to make a number of simplifying assumptions. Some of the assumptions do not reflect real conditions, leading to a lack of allignment with existing field measurements!!

Consequently, the sediment plume and transport maps provided in this report do not represent actual sedimentation rates or the specific extent of dredge material dispersion and migration."

As quoted by the GBRMPA Interpretive Statement on page 6!

Source: GBRMPA Interpretive Statement

"This study investigated the migration of dredged sediments during placement operations (not dredging) and over 12 months when placed at existing and hypothetical alternative placement sites at six study locations.  The sediment plume modelling was based on relevant hypothetical placement scenarios established in cooperation with port operators but do not represent specific past or proposed dredging campaigns.

As quoted by  the SKM 2013 Report.

Source: Improved Dredge Material Management for the Great Barrier Reef Region, SKM, 2013

As quoted by Dr Brett Kettle , who has over 30 years experience in the field of dredging - "The furthest ecological effects of dredging had ever been seen away from the dredge sites was 10km"

Source: News Article posted in the Whitsunday Times 3rd May, 2014.

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